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The test form is only available for requests from the local machine.SOAP 1.1
The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /FractusApi.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <OrdersGet xmlns=""> <SecurityToken>string</SecurityToken> <ClientName>string</ClientName> <pagingParameter> <OrderID>int</OrderID> <StatusIds> <FOrderStatus>Unknown or Hold or PreBill or PreBillOpen or ReadyForOptimization or ReadyForOptimizationOpen or StockAllocationProcessing or BackOrder or BackOrderOpen or Allocated or AllocatedOpen or BillingProcessing or NotReleasedForFulfillment or NotReleasedForFulfillmentOpen or ReleasedForFulfillment or FulfillmentProcessing or SentToFulfillment or ReadyForReShip or SHIPFAILED or ShipVerify or FATALSHIPFAILURE or PaymentVerification or Cancelled or Completed or TractusProcessing or TractusFinished or OrderCreated or Collections or CollectionsLetterSent or CancelledPaymentPending or TemplateOn or TemplateOff or OrderPaid or Optimized or CompletedAndExported or ShipVerifyMultiPay or ShipVerifyMultiPayPaymentDecline or OrderFailed or ReturnProcessing or ReturnFinished or Processing or ReturnFinishedAndExported or FailedAddress or FraudulentAddress or CPSEProcessing or CompletedAndExported2 or InterceptOrder or Picked or Packed or ReadyToShip or Mas500Error or CarrierAddressFail or OnHoldDiminimus or AllocatedPickFace or WaitingForAllocation or LotMissing or ostCombined or DoNotWorry or Crapo or ConfirmCancel or JeffHold</FOrderStatus> <FOrderStatus>Unknown or Hold or PreBill or PreBillOpen or ReadyForOptimization or ReadyForOptimizationOpen or StockAllocationProcessing or BackOrder or BackOrderOpen or Allocated or AllocatedOpen or BillingProcessing or NotReleasedForFulfillment or NotReleasedForFulfillmentOpen or ReleasedForFulfillment or FulfillmentProcessing or SentToFulfillment or ReadyForReShip or SHIPFAILED or ShipVerify or FATALSHIPFAILURE or PaymentVerification or Cancelled or Completed or TractusProcessing or TractusFinished or OrderCreated or Collections or CollectionsLetterSent or CancelledPaymentPending or TemplateOn or TemplateOff or OrderPaid or Optimized or CompletedAndExported or ShipVerifyMultiPay or ShipVerifyMultiPayPaymentDecline or OrderFailed or ReturnProcessing or ReturnFinished or Processing or ReturnFinishedAndExported or FailedAddress or FraudulentAddress or CPSEProcessing or CompletedAndExported2 or InterceptOrder or Picked or Packed or ReadyToShip or Mas500Error or CarrierAddressFail or OnHoldDiminimus or AllocatedPickFace or WaitingForAllocation or LotMissing or ostCombined or DoNotWorry or Crapo or ConfirmCancel or JeffHold</FOrderStatus> </StatusIds> <OnlyRetailOrders>boolean</OnlyRetailOrders> <Warehouse>string</Warehouse> <ImportedOrderId>string</ImportedOrderId> <LicensePlate>string</LicensePlate> <TrackingNumber>string</TrackingNumber> <ZipCode>string</ZipCode> <ShipName>string</ShipName> </pagingParameter> </OrdersGet> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Body> <OrdersGetResponse xmlns=""> <OrdersGetResult> <ClientName>string</ClientName> <ObjectList> <Order> <OrderID>int</OrderID> <CustID>int</CustID> <OrderDate>dateTime</OrderDate> <CommissionDate>dateTime</CommissionDate> <ShippingLicensePlate>string</ShippingLicensePlate> <ShipName>string</ShipName> <ShipAddress1>string</ShipAddress1> <ShipAddress2>string</ShipAddress2> <ShipCity>string</ShipCity> <ShipState>string</ShipState> <ShipZip>string</ShipZip> <ShipPhone>string</ShipPhone> <ShippingMethodID>int</ShippingMethodID> <OrderSource>Unknown or FaxedIn or Api or Phone or MailedIn or ReturnsSystem or Imported or AutoshipTemplate or ImportedInquiry or Amazon or PayPal or Google or Internet or Replicated</OrderSource> <TotalTaxableAmount>decimal</TotalTaxableAmount> <QVTotalAmount>decimal</QVTotalAmount> <TotalTaxAmount>decimal</TotalTaxAmount> <TotalShippingAmount>decimal</TotalShippingAmount> <OrderTotalAmount>decimal</OrderTotalAmount> <TotalEstimatedWeight>double</TotalEstimatedWeight> <SubTotalAmount>decimal</SubTotalAmount> <IsCommissionExempt>boolean</IsCommissionExempt> <IsSalesTaxExempt>boolean</IsSalesTaxExempt> <CVTotalAmount>decimal</CVTotalAmount> <PriceTypeID>int</PriceTypeID> <OrderBalance>decimal</OrderBalance> <WarehouseID>int</WarehouseID> <CustTypeID>int</CustTypeID> <CSessionID>int</CSessionID> <MSessionID>int</MSessionID> <SuppressPricing>boolean</SuppressPricing> <ChargeSalesTaxOnShipping>boolean</ChargeSalesTaxOnShipping> <PeriodID>int</PeriodID> <ShipCountry>Unknown or USA or Canada or Afghanistan or AlandIslands or Albania or Algeria or AmericanSamoa or Andorra or Angola or Anguilla or Antarctica or AntiguaAndBarbuda or Argentina or Armenia or Aruba or Australia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Bahamas or Bahrain or Bangladesh or Barbados or Belarus or Belgium or Belize or Benin or Bermuda or Bhutan or Bolivia or BosniaAndHerzegovina or Botswana or BouvetIsland or Brazil or BritishIndianOceanTerritory or BruneiDarussalam or Bulgaria or BurkinaFaso or Burundi or Cambodia or Cameroon or CapeVerde or CaymanIslands or CentralAfricanRepublic or Chad or Chile or China or ChristmasIsland or CocosIslands or Colombia or Comoros or Congo or TheDemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo or CookIslands or CostaRica or CoteDivoire or Croatia or Cuba or Cyprus or CzechRepublic or Denmark or Djibouti or Dominica or DominicanRepublic or Ecuador or Egypt or ElSalvador or EquatorialGuinea or Eritrea or Estonia or Ethiopia or FalklandIslands or FaroeIslands or Fiji or Finland or France or FrenchGuiana or FrenchPolynesia or FrenchSouthernTerritories or Gabon or Gambia or Georgia or Germany or Ghana or Gibraltar or Greece or Greenland or Grenada or Guadeloupe or Guam or Guatemala or Guernsey or Guinea or Guineabissau or Guyana or Haiti or HeardIslandAndMcdonaldIslands or Honduras or HongKong or Hungary or Iceland or India or Indonesia or Iran or Iraq or Ireland or IsleOfMan or Israel or Italy or Jamaica or Japan or Jersey or Jordan or Kazakhstan or Kenya or Kiribati or KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublicOf or Korea or Kuwait or Kyrgyzstan or Lao or Latvia or Lebanon or Lesotho or Liberia or LibyanArabJamahiriya or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macao or Macedonia or Madagascar or Malawi or Malaysia or Maldives or Mali or Malta or MarshallIslands or Martinique or Mauritania or Mauritius or Mayotte or Mexico or Micronesia or Moldova or Monaco or Mongolia or Montenegro or Montserrat or Morocco or Mozambique or Myanmar or Namibia or Nauru or Nepal or Netherlands or NetherlandsAntilles or NewCaledonia or NewZealand or Nicaragua or Niger or Nigeria or Niue or NorfolkIsland or NorthernMarianaIslands or Norway or Oman or Pakistan or Palau or PalestinianTerritory or Panama or PapuaNewGuinea or Paraguay or Peru or Philippines or Pitcairn or Poland or Portugal or PuertoRico or Qatar or Reunion or Romania or RussianFederation or Rwanda or SaintBarthelemy or SaintHelena or SaintKittsAndNevis or SaintLucia or SaintMartin or SaintPierreAndMiquelon or SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines or Samoa or SanMarino or SaoTomeAndPrincipe or SaudiArabia or Senegal or Serbia or Seychelles or SierraLeone or Singapore or Slovakia or Slovenia or SolomonIslands or Somalia or SouthAfrica or SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands or Spain or SriLanka or Sudan or Suriname or SvalbardAndJanMayen or Swaziland or Sweden or Switzerland or SyrianArabRepublic or Taiwan or Tajikistan or Tanzania or Thailand or Timorleste or Togo or Tokelau or Tonga or TrinidadAndTobago or Tunisia or Turkey or Turkmenistan or TurksAndCaicosIslands or Tuvalu or Uganda or Ukraine or UnitedArabEmirates or UnitedKingdom or UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands or Uruguay or Uzbekistan or Vanuatu or Venezuela or VietNam or BritishVirginIslands or VirginIslands or WallisAndFutuna or WesternSahara or Yemen or Zambia or Zimbabwe</ShipCountry> <Currency>Unknown or USD or CAD</Currency> <ReturnID>int</ReturnID> <LkLastUpdate>dateTime</LkLastUpdate> <IsReturned>boolean</IsReturned> <IsInvoiced>boolean</IsInvoiced> <OrderType>int</OrderType> <ShipGeoCode>string</ShipGeoCode> <StatusID>int</StatusID> <UserCustNum>string</UserCustNum> <ImportedOrderID>string</ImportedOrderID> <CompanyID>int</CompanyID> <InvoiceNumber>string</InvoiceNumber> <StatusDate>dateTime</StatusDate> <ScriptCode>string</ScriptCode> <DayInterval>int</DayInterval> <OriginalOrderId>int</OriginalOrderId> <TaxPercent>decimal</TaxPercent> <ContinuityCycleCount>int</ContinuityCycleCount> <OptimizationHashKey>string</OptimizationHashKey> <BoxConfigHashKey>string</BoxConfigHashKey> <OptimizeOrderID>int</OptimizeOrderID> <BoxConfigID>int</BoxConfigID> <NextRunDate>dateTime</NextRunDate> <RunInterval>int</RunInterval> <ContinuityTemplateOrderID>int</ContinuityTemplateOrderID> <CampaignID>int</CampaignID> <ImportJobID>int</ImportJobID> <ImportedPaymentType>string</ImportedPaymentType> <ImportedDateTime>dateTime</ImportedDateTime> <TotalDiscount>decimal</TotalDiscount> <IsResidential>boolean</IsResidential> <CouponCode>string</CouponCode> <InvoiceMessage>string</InvoiceMessage> <DiscountTypeID>int</DiscountTypeID> <InvoiceHeader>string</InvoiceHeader> <ShippingAmount>decimal</ShippingAmount> <HandlingAmount>decimal</HandlingAmount> <OrderedBy>string</OrderedBy> <DiscountValue>decimal</DiscountValue> <OriginalShippingAmount>decimal</OriginalShippingAmount> <ShipCompanyName>string</ShipCompanyName> <ShipId>string</ShipId> <ShipCarrier>Unknown or USPS or FedEx or UPS or Landmark or DHL or Logistics or Purolator or SmartPost or MailInnovations or OnTrac or Custom or ParcelPartners or MPX or DHLeCommerce or UPSMI or PitneyBowesUSPS or Yamato or Danx or Bring or Hamtas or Amazon or Intelcom or eShopWorld or Reliable or Maersk or BetterTrucks or GLS or LSO or Veho or External or Pilot or LaserShip or YLGO</ShipCarrier> <ShipCarrierService>Unknown or FirstClass or PriorityMail or ParcelPost or International or UpsGround or UPSNextDayAM or UpsNextDay or FedExSmartPost or UpsNextDaySaver or Ups2ndDayAM or Ups2ndDay or Ups3DaySelect or UpsWorldWideExpress or UpsWorldWideExpedited or UpsWorldWideSaver or GlobalExpres or MediaMail or PriorityInternational or FedExGround or Logistics or DHLExpress or LandMarkGround or FedEx2ndDayAir or FedEx3Day or FedExNextDay or LandmarkExpress or CalTrac or LTL or PurolatorGround or PurolatorAir or PurolatorFastest or PurolatorLetter or PurPak or Pur9am or Pur1030am or PurSat or PurCPX or PurCPE or USPSExpress or USPSFirstClassInternational or FedExHomeDelivery or PurFastest or PurLetter or BLANK_1 or BLANK_2 or BLANK_3 or BLANK_4 or BLANK_5 or LaserShipRd or MailInnovations or SurePostLessLb or SurePostMoreLb or Mpx or DHLeCommerce or UspsFlatRateBox or UspsFlatRateEnvelope or EXPEDITEDMAILINNOVATIONS or ParcelPlusExpedited or PARCELSELECTGROUND or NextDaySaturday or ParcelExpedited or ExpeditedMax or ParcelGround or ParcelPlusGround or FedExPriorityOvernight or FedExInternationalPriority or FedExInternationalEconomy or FedExInternationalFirstClass or Economy or EconomyLightweight or Standard or Innight or Scrap or SameDay or Amazon or IntelcomGround or ESWInternational or ReliableStandard or ReliableExpedited or ReliableExpress or MaerskStandard or MaerskExpress or USPSGroundAdvantage or BetterTrucksExpress or BetterTrucksNextDay or GLSGround or GLSCaliforniaParcelService or GLSEarlyPriorityOvernight or GLSSaturdayService or GLSPriorityOvernight or GLSOvernight or GLSSaturdayDeliveryService or GLS_EarlySaturdayService or GLS_NoonPriorityService or LSOSaturday or LSOMexico or LSOGround or LSOEarlyNextDaySimple or LSOEarlyNextDay or LSOPriorityNextDay or LSOPriorityNextDaySimple or LSOEconomyNextDaySimple or LSOEconomyNextDay or LSO2ndDaySimple or LSO2ndDay or LSOSaturdaySimple or LSOMexicoSimple or LSOGroundSimple or LSOSimpleGroundBasic or LSOSimpleGroundEarly or LSOSimplePriorityBasic or LSOSimplePriority2ndDay or LSOSimplePriorityEarly or LSOECommerce or VehoNextDay or VehoSameDay or PriorityMailInnovations or EconomyMailInnovations or UPSMI_BPMFlats or UPSMI_BPMParcels or UPSMI_EconomyMailInnovations or UPSMI_ExpeditedMailInnovations or UPSMI_First or UPSMI_MarketingParcels or UPSMI_MedialMail or UPSMI_ParcelSelect or UPSMI_ParcelSelectMailInnovations or UPSMI_SingleReturns or UPSMI_StandardFlats or External or Pilot_Basic_NoSignatureRequired or Pilot_Basic or Pilot_Standard_SingleDriver or Pilot_Standard_TeamDelivery or Pilot_RoomOfChoice_SingleDriver or Pilot_RoomOfChoice_TeamDelivery or Pilot_Deluxe_SingleDriver or Pilot_Deluxe_TeamDelivery or Pilot_PremierLite_SingleDriver or Pilot_PremierLite_TeamDelivery</ShipCarrierService> <OriginalWarehouseID>int</OriginalWarehouseID> <OverrideAddressValidation>boolean</OverrideAddressValidation> <ShipAddress3>string</ShipAddress3> <BusinessDateTime>dateTime</BusinessDateTime> <EstimatedShipZone>string</EstimatedShipZone> <EmailAddress>string</EmailAddress> <OrderProductions xsi:nil="true" /> <ReturnAddress xsi:nil="true" /> <FulfillmentItems xsi:nil="true" /> <OrderItemCustomizations xsi:nil="true" /> <OrderItems xsi:nil="true" /> <OrderPicks xsi:nil="true" /> <OrderPacks xsi:nil="true" /> <Packages xsi:nil="true" /> <Payments xsi:nil="true" /> <Vendor>string</Vendor> </Order> <Order> <OrderID>int</OrderID> <CustID>int</CustID> <OrderDate>dateTime</OrderDate> <CommissionDate>dateTime</CommissionDate> <ShippingLicensePlate>string</ShippingLicensePlate> <ShipName>string</ShipName> <ShipAddress1>string</ShipAddress1> <ShipAddress2>string</ShipAddress2> <ShipCity>string</ShipCity> <ShipState>string</ShipState> <ShipZip>string</ShipZip> <ShipPhone>string</ShipPhone> <ShippingMethodID>int</ShippingMethodID> <OrderSource>Unknown or FaxedIn or Api or Phone or MailedIn or ReturnsSystem or Imported or AutoshipTemplate or ImportedInquiry or Amazon or PayPal or Google or Internet or Replicated</OrderSource> <TotalTaxableAmount>decimal</TotalTaxableAmount> <QVTotalAmount>decimal</QVTotalAmount> <TotalTaxAmount>decimal</TotalTaxAmount> <TotalShippingAmount>decimal</TotalShippingAmount> <OrderTotalAmount>decimal</OrderTotalAmount> <TotalEstimatedWeight>double</TotalEstimatedWeight> <SubTotalAmount>decimal</SubTotalAmount> <IsCommissionExempt>boolean</IsCommissionExempt> <IsSalesTaxExempt>boolean</IsSalesTaxExempt> <CVTotalAmount>decimal</CVTotalAmount> <PriceTypeID>int</PriceTypeID> <OrderBalance>decimal</OrderBalance> <WarehouseID>int</WarehouseID> <CustTypeID>int</CustTypeID> <CSessionID>int</CSessionID> <MSessionID>int</MSessionID> <SuppressPricing>boolean</SuppressPricing> <ChargeSalesTaxOnShipping>boolean</ChargeSalesTaxOnShipping> <PeriodID>int</PeriodID> <ShipCountry>Unknown or USA or Canada or Afghanistan or AlandIslands or Albania or Algeria or AmericanSamoa or Andorra or Angola or Anguilla or Antarctica or AntiguaAndBarbuda or Argentina or Armenia or Aruba or Australia or Austria or Azerbaijan or Bahamas or Bahrain or Bangladesh or Barbados or Belarus or Belgium or Belize or Benin or Bermuda or Bhutan or Bolivia or BosniaAndHerzegovina or Botswana or BouvetIsland or Brazil or BritishIndianOceanTerritory or BruneiDarussalam or Bulgaria or BurkinaFaso or Burundi or Cambodia or Cameroon or CapeVerde or CaymanIslands or CentralAfricanRepublic or Chad or Chile or China or ChristmasIsland or CocosIslands or Colombia or Comoros or Congo or TheDemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo or CookIslands or CostaRica or CoteDivoire or Croatia or Cuba or Cyprus or CzechRepublic or Denmark or Djibouti or Dominica or DominicanRepublic or Ecuador or Egypt or ElSalvador or EquatorialGuinea or Eritrea or Estonia or Ethiopia or FalklandIslands or FaroeIslands or Fiji or Finland or France or FrenchGuiana or FrenchPolynesia or FrenchSouthernTerritories or Gabon or Gambia or Georgia or Germany or Ghana or Gibraltar or Greece or Greenland or Grenada or Guadeloupe or Guam or Guatemala or Guernsey or Guinea or Guineabissau or Guyana or Haiti or HeardIslandAndMcdonaldIslands or Honduras or HongKong or Hungary or Iceland or India or Indonesia or Iran or Iraq or Ireland or IsleOfMan or Israel or Italy or Jamaica or Japan or Jersey or Jordan or Kazakhstan or Kenya or Kiribati or KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublicOf or Korea or Kuwait or Kyrgyzstan or Lao or Latvia or Lebanon or Lesotho or Liberia or LibyanArabJamahiriya or Liechtenstein or Lithuania or Luxembourg or Macao or Macedonia or Madagascar or Malawi or Malaysia or Maldives or Mali or Malta or MarshallIslands or Martinique or Mauritania or Mauritius or Mayotte or Mexico or Micronesia or Moldova or Monaco or Mongolia or Montenegro or Montserrat or Morocco or Mozambique or Myanmar or Namibia or Nauru or Nepal or Netherlands or NetherlandsAntilles or NewCaledonia or NewZealand or Nicaragua or Niger or Nigeria or Niue or NorfolkIsland or NorthernMarianaIslands or Norway or Oman or Pakistan or Palau or PalestinianTerritory or Panama or PapuaNewGuinea or Paraguay or Peru or Philippines or Pitcairn or Poland or Portugal or PuertoRico or Qatar or Reunion or Romania or RussianFederation or Rwanda or SaintBarthelemy or SaintHelena or SaintKittsAndNevis or SaintLucia or SaintMartin or SaintPierreAndMiquelon or SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines or Samoa or SanMarino or SaoTomeAndPrincipe or SaudiArabia or Senegal or Serbia or Seychelles or SierraLeone or Singapore or Slovakia or Slovenia or SolomonIslands or Somalia or SouthAfrica or SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands or Spain or SriLanka or Sudan or Suriname or SvalbardAndJanMayen or Swaziland or Sweden or Switzerland or SyrianArabRepublic or Taiwan or Tajikistan or Tanzania or Thailand or Timorleste or Togo or Tokelau or Tonga or TrinidadAndTobago or Tunisia or Turkey or Turkmenistan or TurksAndCaicosIslands or Tuvalu or Uganda or Ukraine or UnitedArabEmirates or UnitedKingdom or UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands or Uruguay or Uzbekistan or Vanuatu or Venezuela or VietNam or BritishVirginIslands or VirginIslands or WallisAndFutuna or WesternSahara or Yemen or Zambia or Zimbabwe</ShipCountry> <Currency>Unknown or USD or CAD</Currency> <ReturnID>int</ReturnID> <LkLastUpdate>dateTime</LkLastUpdate> <IsReturned>boolean</IsReturned> <IsInvoiced>boolean</IsInvoiced> <OrderType>int</OrderType> <ShipGeoCode>string</ShipGeoCode> <StatusID>int</StatusID> <UserCustNum>string</UserCustNum> <ImportedOrderID>string</ImportedOrderID> <CompanyID>int</CompanyID> <InvoiceNumber>string</InvoiceNumber> <StatusDate>dateTime</StatusDate> <ScriptCode>string</ScriptCode> <DayInterval>int</DayInterval> <OriginalOrderId>int</OriginalOrderId> <TaxPercent>decimal</TaxPercent> <ContinuityCycleCount>int</ContinuityCycleCount> <OptimizationHashKey>string</OptimizationHashKey> <BoxConfigHashKey>string</BoxConfigHashKey> <OptimizeOrderID>int</OptimizeOrderID> <BoxConfigID>int</BoxConfigID> <NextRunDate>dateTime</NextRunDate> <RunInterval>int</RunInterval> <ContinuityTemplateOrderID>int</ContinuityTemplateOrderID> <CampaignID>int</CampaignID> <ImportJobID>int</ImportJobID> <ImportedPaymentType>string</ImportedPaymentType> <ImportedDateTime>dateTime</ImportedDateTime> <TotalDiscount>decimal</TotalDiscount> <IsResidential>boolean</IsResidential> <CouponCode>string</CouponCode> <InvoiceMessage>string</InvoiceMessage> <DiscountTypeID>int</DiscountTypeID> <InvoiceHeader>string</InvoiceHeader> <ShippingAmount>decimal</ShippingAmount> <HandlingAmount>decimal</HandlingAmount> <OrderedBy>string</OrderedBy> <DiscountValue>decimal</DiscountValue> <OriginalShippingAmount>decimal</OriginalShippingAmount> <ShipCompanyName>string</ShipCompanyName> <ShipId>string</ShipId> <ShipCarrier>Unknown or USPS or FedEx or UPS or Landmark or DHL or Logistics or Purolator or SmartPost or MailInnovations or OnTrac or Custom or ParcelPartners or MPX or DHLeCommerce or UPSMI or PitneyBowesUSPS or Yamato or Danx or Bring or Hamtas or Amazon or Intelcom or eShopWorld or Reliable or Maersk or BetterTrucks or GLS or LSO or Veho or External or Pilot or LaserShip or YLGO</ShipCarrier> <ShipCarrierService>Unknown or FirstClass or PriorityMail or ParcelPost or International or UpsGround or UPSNextDayAM or UpsNextDay or FedExSmartPost or UpsNextDaySaver or Ups2ndDayAM or Ups2ndDay or Ups3DaySelect or UpsWorldWideExpress or UpsWorldWideExpedited or UpsWorldWideSaver or GlobalExpres or MediaMail or PriorityInternational or FedExGround or Logistics or DHLExpress or LandMarkGround or FedEx2ndDayAir or FedEx3Day or FedExNextDay or LandmarkExpress or CalTrac or LTL or PurolatorGround or PurolatorAir or PurolatorFastest or PurolatorLetter or PurPak or Pur9am or Pur1030am or PurSat or PurCPX or PurCPE or USPSExpress or USPSFirstClassInternational or FedExHomeDelivery or PurFastest or PurLetter or BLANK_1 or BLANK_2 or BLANK_3 or BLANK_4 or BLANK_5 or LaserShipRd or MailInnovations or SurePostLessLb or SurePostMoreLb or Mpx or DHLeCommerce or UspsFlatRateBox or UspsFlatRateEnvelope or EXPEDITEDMAILINNOVATIONS or ParcelPlusExpedited or PARCELSELECTGROUND or NextDaySaturday or ParcelExpedited or ExpeditedMax or ParcelGround or ParcelPlusGround or FedExPriorityOvernight or FedExInternationalPriority or FedExInternationalEconomy or FedExInternationalFirstClass or Economy or EconomyLightweight or Standard or Innight or Scrap or SameDay or Amazon or IntelcomGround or ESWInternational or ReliableStandard or ReliableExpedited or ReliableExpress or MaerskStandard or MaerskExpress or USPSGroundAdvantage or BetterTrucksExpress or BetterTrucksNextDay or GLSGround or GLSCaliforniaParcelService or GLSEarlyPriorityOvernight or GLSSaturdayService or GLSPriorityOvernight or GLSOvernight or GLSSaturdayDeliveryService or GLS_EarlySaturdayService or GLS_NoonPriorityService or LSOSaturday or LSOMexico or LSOGround or LSOEarlyNextDaySimple or LSOEarlyNextDay or LSOPriorityNextDay or LSOPriorityNextDaySimple or LSOEconomyNextDaySimple or LSOEconomyNextDay or LSO2ndDaySimple or LSO2ndDay or LSOSaturdaySimple or LSOMexicoSimple or LSOGroundSimple or LSOSimpleGroundBasic or LSOSimpleGroundEarly or LSOSimplePriorityBasic or LSOSimplePriority2ndDay or LSOSimplePriorityEarly or LSOECommerce or VehoNextDay or VehoSameDay or PriorityMailInnovations or EconomyMailInnovations or UPSMI_BPMFlats or UPSMI_BPMParcels or UPSMI_EconomyMailInnovations or UPSMI_ExpeditedMailInnovations or UPSMI_First or UPSMI_MarketingParcels or UPSMI_MedialMail or UPSMI_ParcelSelect or UPSMI_ParcelSelectMailInnovations or UPSMI_SingleReturns or UPSMI_StandardFlats or External or Pilot_Basic_NoSignatureRequired or Pilot_Basic or Pilot_Standard_SingleDriver or Pilot_Standard_TeamDelivery or Pilot_RoomOfChoice_SingleDriver or Pilot_RoomOfChoice_TeamDelivery or Pilot_Deluxe_SingleDriver or Pilot_Deluxe_TeamDelivery or Pilot_PremierLite_SingleDriver or Pilot_PremierLite_TeamDelivery</ShipCarrierService> <OriginalWarehouseID>int</OriginalWarehouseID> <OverrideAddressValidation>boolean</OverrideAddressValidation> <ShipAddress3>string</ShipAddress3> <BusinessDateTime>dateTime</BusinessDateTime> <EstimatedShipZone>string</EstimatedShipZone> <EmailAddress>string</EmailAddress> <OrderProductions xsi:nil="true" /> <ReturnAddress xsi:nil="true" /> <FulfillmentItems xsi:nil="true" /> <OrderItemCustomizations xsi:nil="true" /> <OrderItems xsi:nil="true" /> <OrderPicks xsi:nil="true" /> <OrderPacks xsi:nil="true" /> <Packages xsi:nil="true" /> <Payments xsi:nil="true" /> <Vendor>string</Vendor> </Order> </ObjectList> <TotalCount>int</TotalCount> <CurrentPage>int</CurrentPage> <TotalPages>int</TotalPages> <PageSize>int</PageSize> <ExecutionTime>long</ExecutionTime> <ErrorMessage>string</ErrorMessage> <ResultCode>string</ResultCode> </OrdersGetResult> </OrdersGetResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP 1.2
The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /FractusApi.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12=""> <soap12:Body> <OrdersGet xmlns=""> <SecurityToken>string</SecurityToken> <ClientName>string</ClientName> <pagingParameter> <OrderID>int</OrderID> <StatusIds> <FOrderStatus>Unknown or Hold or PreBill or PreBillOpen or ReadyForOptimization or ReadyForOptimizationOpen or StockAllocationProcessing or BackOrder or BackOrderOpen or Allocated or AllocatedOpen or BillingProcessing or NotReleasedForFulfillment or NotReleasedForFulfillmentOpen or ReleasedForFulfillment or FulfillmentProcessing or SentToFulfillment or ReadyForReShip or SHIPFAILED or ShipVerify or FATALSHIPFAILURE or PaymentVerification or Cancelled or Completed or TractusProcessing or TractusFinished or OrderCreated or Collections or CollectionsLetterSent or CancelledPaymentPending or TemplateOn or TemplateOff or OrderPaid or Optimized or CompletedAndExported or ShipVerifyMultiPay or ShipVerifyMultiPayPaymentDecline or OrderFailed or ReturnProcessing or ReturnFinished or Processing or ReturnFinishedAndExported or FailedAddress or FraudulentAddress or CPSEProcessing or CompletedAndExported2 or InterceptOrder or Picked or Packed or ReadyToShip or Mas500Error or CarrierAddressFail or OnHoldDiminimus or AllocatedPickFace or WaitingForAllocation or LotMissing or ostCombined or DoNotWorry or Crapo or ConfirmCancel or JeffHold</FOrderStatus> <FOrderStatus>Unknown or Hold or PreBill or PreBillOpen or ReadyForOptimization or ReadyForOptimizationOpen or StockAllocationProcessing or BackOrder or BackOrderOpen or Allocated or AllocatedOpen or BillingProcessing or NotReleasedForFulfillment or NotReleasedForFulfillmentOpen or ReleasedForFulfillment or FulfillmentProcessing or SentToFulfillment or ReadyForReShip or SHIPFAILED or ShipVerify or FATALSHIPFAILURE or PaymentVerification or Cancelled or Completed or TractusProcessing or TractusFinished or OrderCreated or Collections or CollectionsLetterSent or CancelledPaymentPending or TemplateOn or TemplateOff or OrderPaid or Optimized or CompletedAndExported or ShipVerifyMultiPay or ShipVerifyMultiPayPaymentDecline or OrderFailed or ReturnProcessing or ReturnFinished or Processing or ReturnFinishedAndExported or FailedAddress or FraudulentAddress or CPSEProcessing or CompletedAndExported2 or InterceptOrder or Picked or Packed or ReadyToShip or Mas500Error or CarrierAddressFail or OnHoldDiminimus or AllocatedPickFace or WaitingForAllocation or LotMissing or ostCombined or DoNotWorry or Crapo or ConfirmCancel or JeffHold</FOrderStatus> </StatusIds> <OnlyRetailOrders>boolean</OnlyRetailOrders> <Warehouse>string</Warehouse> <ImportedOrderId>string</ImportedOrderId> <LicensePlate>string</LicensePlate> <TrackingNumber>string</TrackingNumber> <ZipCode>string</ZipCode> <ShipName>string</ShipName> </pagingParameter> </OrdersGet> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope>
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or Barbados or Belarus or Belgium or Belize or Benin or Bermuda or Bhutan or Bolivia or BosniaAndHerzegovina or Botswana or BouvetIsland or Brazil or BritishIndianOceanTerritory or BruneiDarussalam or Bulgaria or BurkinaFaso or Burundi or Cambodia or Cameroon or CapeVerde or CaymanIslands or CentralAfricanRepublic or Chad or Chile or China or ChristmasIsland or CocosIslands or Colombia or Comoros or Congo or TheDemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo or CookIslands or CostaRica or CoteDivoire or Croatia or Cuba or Cyprus or CzechRepublic or Denmark or Djibouti or Dominica or DominicanRepublic or Ecuador or Egypt or ElSalvador or EquatorialGuinea or Eritrea or Estonia or Ethiopia or FalklandIslands or FaroeIslands or Fiji or Finland or France or FrenchGuiana or FrenchPolynesia or FrenchSouthernTerritories or Gabon or Gambia or Georgia or Germany or Ghana or Gibraltar or Greece or Greenland or Grenada or Guadeloupe or Guam or Guatemala or Guernsey or Guinea or Guineabissau or Guyana or Haiti or 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